Lets Start This Blog With Some NegativiTEA

   Books I have DNF'd 

First let's address the miniature elephant in the room. Is the sentence above grammatically correct? I have no idea. Some background information for this: I used to just rate all DNF books 1 star but now I have as shelf for that. I had to consult that shelf way too many times while writing this because my brain is blanking. There are more that I didn't finish but the reasons aren't very good.

Also, disclaimer: If any of the books mentioned in this post are your favourite then I am genuinely sorry, I also don't like it when people hate my favourite books.

1. Aurora Rising 

I read this a long, long time ago (like 2 years). I have never read a sci-fi since. It reminded me of this story I played through on Episode which was fun but this ruined that for me. One of my best friends owns this book and is going to read it and I quote, "torture me with it because she is going to love it". This book is about some kids in the year two-thousand-and-something who argue a lot and have a very warped perception of time. For example, they would have about 5 seconds left to land this apparently exploding spaceship thing but instead of getting on with it, they fight (for like 1 whole minute) , even with themself or an unconscious person. I think I quit after about two hundred pages and honestly, how did I put up with it for so long? A pat on the back for me.

2. Shadow and Bone

I am a bit sad that I didn't enjoy this because it is wildly popular and I even bought the collector's edition. I quit at about one hundred pages in because it was boring, I didn't care about any of the characters, and nothing was even happening. Some people have said that it is more of a reflective book and not about the characters and stuff but I really don't care about that. I think it's Leigh Bardugo's writing style that I don't get on with. I loved Six of Crows and Ninth House though so I'm not sure.

3. A Deadly Education

I was very excited to start this because I had a buddy read (it dissolved though) , the monsters were literally called 'Mals' and I hate him and one of my friends loved it (A different one). I think the main thing I did wrong getting this book was that I got the big paperback which made it very slow-paced and hard to read. I later went in store and saw the regular sized ones but by then it was too late and I wasn't going to be that person who buys multiple of a book they didn't like. The characters were meh and again, I didn't like the pacing. Oh, also I quit this book at about 100 pages. Not for me.

4. The Inheritance Games

I don't like the characters. There was a LoVe TrIaNgLe. I HATE those! I was buddy reading this with some lovely GR friends but then Avery came along and annoyed me. I guess I liked her best friend (May, I think her name is) because she was very relatable. The vibes reminded me a lot of The Selection so if you really love that then I think you'd like this. I have no idea how long I survived this book for but I think it was about 50%. 

Okay, there is also Maximum Ride, The Amber Spyglass, and oh that's it but to be honest my reasons for those are really bad and I quit like twenty pages in.

I have no idea how to end this so:
Goodbye children!


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