Mid Year Freak Out Book Tag 2021


Mid-Year Freak Out Book Tag 2021

I can't believe that we're already half way through the year! It seems like it all went by so quickly and I think a lot of people feel the same way. I've read 79/150 books of my Goodreads goal as of today.

This is my first year loving reading (I used to be one of those 'I haven't read a book since year 2 people' I am sorry) so I'm really excited to do this. Yay!

Best Book You've Read So Far In 2021

This was really hard because I've had quite a few favourites this year so I have two picks. For the first, I'll have to go with House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas was possibly the best book she's written (tied with KoA) and I just absolutely love her books. 
For my next favourite book I chose A Different Love //Mafia Elmo x reader. It was so well written and I just love the characters and story. There were lots of unexpected plot twists too. Just check it out. Please.

Best Sequel You've Read So Far In 2021

A Court of Mist and Fury I know, I know. Another SJM book. I just love her. As far as sequels go, they are often not as good or exciting as the first book but this one was just perfect! It was like a first book because we got a completely new love interest and setting but just ~ a m a z i n g ~

A New Release You Haven't Read Yet But Want To

I want to read The Chosen and the Beautiful by Nghi Vo so bad but I just can't find it anywhere in Australia for anything less than $45. Apparently this is a queer Great Gatsby retelling with an Asian protagonist which sound awesome! The cover is also really beautiful.

Most Anticipated Release For the Second Half of the Year

I am really excited for Vespertine by Margaret Rogerson because I've read her previous two books and really liked them. This book is expected to be released on the 28th of September so I've got it marked on my calendar!

Biggest Disappointment

Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo. I was really sad that I didn't like this book because it is so popular and most people love it. I dnf'd this one hundred pages through so if you want to hear more about why I didn't like it check out that post. I think I don't care about the Grishaverse. I mean I care about the characters (In other LB books) but I really couldn't care less about the magic system.

Biggest Surprise

I was really surprised that I loved The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon as much as I did because it is like 850 pages of epic fantasy which I am not always in the mood for. This is like the chunky fantasy and I ended up giving it 4.75 stars.

Favourite New Author (Debut Or New To You)

My favourite new author is Taylor Jenkins Reid. She is the author of Daisy Jones and the SixThe Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, and her latest release, Malibu Rising all of which I loved and gave five stars to. I just love her writing style and I cried in most of them too.

Newest Fictional Crush

I have so many fictional crushes. I'm trying to make a log of them in a notebook just so I don't forget any so I have other crushes in this book alone but Dara is just the most recent. So this guy is Darayavahoush e-Afshin from City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty and he is a grumpy immortal who has done some messed-up stuff in the past. We love morally grey characters.

Newest Favourite Character

I have a picture of the book instead of the character because it is really hard to find fanart for it. Anyway, my newest favourite character is Nina Riva from Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid (yes, my favourite author) because she is just such a strong character and she's been through so much. We should all look up to Nina for her courage and kindness and I just love her so much!!

A Book That Made You Cry

Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo. I cried so hard in this book because I thought one character was going to die but then a different one was killed off and I cried for a good week anytime I even thought of this book and that character.

In second place is The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller. I absolutely love this book. The writing is beautiful. The characters are perfect. The love story is heartbreaking. I've read this book twice and I am currently reading it for a third time right now. This will forever be one of my favourite books.

A Book That Made You Happy

The entire Heartstopper graphic novel series by Alice Oseman just made me so happy! Nick and Charlie are the cutest and unless you really hate smiling and laughing I would highly recommend this. There are some pretty big triggers for eating disorders so check that out first. Oh, and you can also read this for free on webtoons!

The Most Beautiful Book You've Bought This Year

I think the prettiest book I own is this collectors edition of A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas. This is a wild popular series and I love this edition of it. It has gold foiling of the first scene in the book on the front and back cover and even the slipcase has some gorgeous art on it.

What Books Do You Need to Read by the End of the Year

I have many, many books to read this year so here are just a few. First up, Legendborn by Tracy Deonn. I've been hearing so many good things about this book but apparently there is a love triangle...

Another book on my 2021 TBR is The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang. So the characters are extremely morally grey, the war is realistic, and there are so many positive reviews of this. I don't know when I'll pick it up but I'd like to some time this year.

Done! This post took me forever to write but it was a lot of fun.
Goodbye children!


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